


Publications for Science Diffusion, Education, Nursing, Covid-19


Introduction: The use of scientific dissemination in the expansion of knowledge has historically guaranteed legitimate access to science, enabling society to rely on information from reliable sources for decision making. During the period of social isolation brought by COVID-19, the dissemination of information through spaces such as social networks, allowed health professionals to maintain the necessary knowledge in the face of the rapidly changing scenario. Objectives: To develop publications on the Social Network Instagram about the changes that have occurred worldwide in health organizations in the context of coping with the pandemic of COVID-19, focusing on patient and professional safety. Method: Descriptive applied research carried out in a scientific initiation program of the pro-rectory of research and graduate studies of the Federal University of Paraná, by nursing students, from September 2020 to August 2021, aimed at producing material based on scientific evidence aimed at health professionals and the interested academic public. The research took place in four stages: 1) integrative literature review; 2) Data extraction in standardized document; 3) Preparation of booklet; 4) Preparation of narrated posts (videos) for the social network Instagram®. Results: A booklet entitled "COVID-19's actions to deal with health services" and seven posts to Instagram® were prepared, in video format narrated with subtitles. Conclusion: It is relevant the use of social networks for scientific dissemination in the maintenance and updating of the knowledge of health professionals, especially in view of the pandemic context that brought challenging scenarios in health organizations.


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Author Biographies

  • Thaiane Almeida Silva Pol, Federal University of Paraná

    Nurse. Master of Nursing. Specialist in Child and Adolescent Health. PhD student at the Graduate Program of the Federal University of Paraná.

  • Karla Crozeta Figueiredo

    Nurse. Master and PhD in Nursing from the Federal University of Paraná. Adjunct Professor, Nursing Department, Federal University of Paraná in the area of Administration and Planning in Health and Nursing.

  • Rebeca Iwankiw Lessa Beltran

    Nurse. Specialist in Elderly Health by The Small Prince Colleges and Health Secretariat of Curitiba-PR. Master's student in Nursing from the Federal University of Paraná.

  • Júlia Rolim Macedo

    Academic nursing at the Federal University of Paraná

  • Viviane Domingues da Silva Sumnienski

    Academic Nursing at the Federal University of Paraná

  • Luiz de Jesus Egues

    Graduando em enfermagem na Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR


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How to Cite

BOOKLET AND POSTS FOR INSTAGRAM AS A SCIENTIFIC DISSEMINATION STRATEGY. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(10), e3101958.