RPA in the operational area of intelligenceAbstract
With the frequent evolution of crime, the Military Police throughout the country also need to accompany the evolution of criminal activities, even if minimally, fighting them in the same way, or even at a higher level of improvement and resilience. In this sense, with the objective of assisting ostensive policing, by means of a wide range of techniques and tactics, Public Security Intelligence advances to help combat the most diverse crimes. Thus, as a way to face the daily growing criminal evolution, this article presents the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) at an operational level to balance the disproportion that individuals in criminal activities have against the ostensive policing, aiming at: obtaining a greater effectiveness in flagrants, in approaches, by certifying the suspicion found; the flagrante delicto; the advisory of the decision making process of Unit Commanders; and the production of knowledge in general. The scientific method used is descriptive and exploratory research, both qualitative and quantitative, with the research and production techniques being bibliographic review and data collection from several sources, mostly available online. Through the results obtained, it is observed that, from a true institutionalization of APR, especially in the application in the scope of the Military Police Intelligence of Paraná, it will be obtained a significant increase in flagrants, especially in the crime of drug trafficking, and will also collaborate to the aid of a more effective instruction of the process, through the availability of images of an occurrence in which the APR was used.
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