Woman. Man. Feminism.ViolenceAbstract
Women's rights are the foundation and responsibility of all human beings that make up the society, it is not conceivable that in the middle of the existential planetary era, there is differentiation in the treatment between genders, racism, prejudice, discrimination, ethnocentric supremacy among people. Aiming to develop a document that shows the human importance, indispensable to the development of intelligence for the benefit of a dynamic of equality, social justice, love, focused on education, union, respect between men and women, every man can and must be a feminist. Culturally intrinsic violent behavior hegemonically to oppress one class over the other has been identified in the literature. The importance of education, unity, respect, and equality in combating inequalities is specified. The qualitative method was used, with a methodology focused on the integrative bibliographic analysis of authors who approach the theme, adding a touch of reference to the ideals presented, grounding the study. The results identified in the references shock to know that the world presents an archaic, unequal, sexist, racist model, treating women, the subordinate with much difference, violating, segregating, denying essential rights in many countries of the planet. It is considered abominable Eurocentrics, harmful to the collectivity, to human life in general. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for an educational ideology that reciprocally, respectfully unifies men and women, after all, different naturally, equal in isonomy.
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