edentulism still affects a large part of individualsAbstract
The partial edentulism affects, still today, a large part of individuals in Brazil and, unfortunately, this condition brings numerous consequences for the health and well-being of the patient, being the prosthetic rehabilitation treatment an appropriate solution for these cases. This study reports on the influence on the individual's quality of life when there is a need for rehabilitation with fixed partial dentures and removable partial dentures, returning aesthetics, health and function. This case report shows the importance of quality of life of the individual after prosthetic rehabilitation, recovering the function of the stomatognathic system and returning aesthetics. The study reports the experience of a 65-year-old patient, living in Caxias do Sul-RS, who sought dental care with an aesthetic complaint due to the absence of some dental elements in the upper region. After physical, clinical and imaging examination, planning was carried out, and subsequently, the patient started prosthetic rehabilitation treatment and adequate follow-up. The treatment with the use of fixed partial dentures was essential to reestablish the desired aesthetic, health and function requirements, giving the patient back her quality of life.
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