basketball, workload, physical fitnessAbstract
The periodization models are valuable pedagogical instruments in the making of physical-sports training programs. Therefore, the objective of this research is to examine the periodization models of the biomotor capacities used in basketball. In the literature review, it was consulted four databases (LILACS, PubMed, Scielo, and Google Scholar) in Portuguese, English and Spanish, where it was selected a total of 58 scientific texts that discourse about periodization models of the biomotor capacities in basketball and 11 textbooks in the field of the theory of sport training. Usually, each periodization model is designed according to specific theoretical assumptions and adjusted to the league calendar, competitive category, and gender of the athletes. It was found that in 80% of the research examined the periodization models were able to enhance the different biomotor skills required in basketball. The vast majority of these models employed are classified as contemporary. In 20% of the studies, the periodization models did not improve the biomotor skills or physiological responses. The main causes were related to insufficient time for effective stimulation, use of the traditional periodization model, and were performed exclusively in the competitive period. It was noted that periodizing biomotor capacities in season involves complex management, because they present varied behavioral dynamics in the face of a series of intervening factors that require systematic monitoring and control. It was concluded that contemporary periodization models may be the most appropriate to optimize performance in basketball, mainly because they meet the demands of the current competitive calendar.
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