Human Rights, Law, Conflict Resolution, Dignity of human personAbstract
The present article aims to present a study of human rights today, analyzing the theory and its practice, through the contextualization of an international conflict, presenting the causes of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, occurred in 2022, with social and legal bias, based on the rules of international law and human rights. The problem of this research is to analyze the international conflict Russia versus Ukraine through the Brazilian legal and social perspective, with regard to human rights and international rights. The general objective is to develop a legal-social study on the consequences of the international conflict between Russia and Ukraine, having as theoretical reference Elói Martins Senhora, author of the work "Ukraine under crossfire. Discourses, actions and repercussions" and the specific objective is to define armed conflicts and classify them, as well as define the international subjects involved and clarify about the international responsibility of those subjects who will violate international rights and human rights. It is concluded that it is necessary a faster and more effective action of international subjects in situations where human rights are disrespected or that there is the ipending of being, so that more effective protection mechanisms are had, by legal means of defense, so that actions and attacks on human rights are inhibited and not carried out to the point of causing violations.
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