


Collapsible Soils. Pathological Manifestations. settlements. Preventive maintenance. Interventions/reinforcements.


The present work aims to identify the pathological manifestations of structures subject to recalque that can be found in collapsible soils; deepen knowledge about concepts and definitions of recurrent pathological manifestations in collapsible soils; and understand why they are appearing more and more and what their impacts are, as well as what can be done to minimize their impacts. To perform this work, a bibliographical research was carried out, using periodic sites. With the research, it was possible to understand that collapsible soils tend to trigger relocation in the buildings in which they used them as a construction site and that this and other pathological manifestations can arise due to several factors, such as the incorrect projection of the building, however, if well designed and defined preventive maintenance and interventions for construction in collapsible soils, its effects are reduced and the building ends up having a longer service life and the building present more comfort. Thus, the project, preventive maintenance and interventions carried out to reduce the impacts arranged by pathological manifestations are relevant actions that mitigate the recalques and the loss of buildings built in collapsible soils.


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Author Biographies

  • Guilherme Martins Polez

    Universidade de Araraquara- UNIARA

  • Gerson de Marco

    Universidade de Araraquara- UNIARA


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How to Cite

PATHOLOGY OF STRUCTURES SUBJECT TO REHEATING IN COLLAPSIBLE SOILS. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(1), e3102074.