


Vitamin D, Mammographic density, Breast cancer


Considering the increase in the number of cancer cases, especially breast cancer, it is evident the need to identify modifiable risk factors of the disease. Studies have reported an inverse association between vitamin D status and breast cancer risk by reducing mammographic density, a known cancer risk factor. The objective of this work is to define whether there is an association between vitamin D and mammographic density and whether this association can reduce the risk of breast cancer. An integrative literature review was performed with the descriptors in Health Sciences "Vitamin D" AND "Mammographic Density" in the following virtual libraries: MEDLINE, PUBMED, LILACS and SCIELO. The studies that evaluated this relationship have heterogeneous findings; some show reduced mammographic density in patients with normal serum vitamin D levels, and others do not. However, insufficient vitamin D dosage should not be overconsidered, especially due to its proven important effect on bone formation and calcium homeotase.


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Author Biographies

  • Maria Stefania Nóbrega Batista

    Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

  • Lara Moreira Mendes Carneiro

    Anestesiologista do Hospital Universitário do Piauí.


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