Software. Agile development. Benefits. CompetitivenessAbstract
Agile is an interactive approach to software development that helps teams deliver the minimum viable product, promote better collaboration, and launch higher quality software. The objective of this work was to explore how this approach has helped companies in the current market, as well as the literature of technological development of information in view of the needs of the globalized world. This is a review of literary research in books and scientific articles from the databases of Scielo and Google Books. The result shows gains relevant to the competitiveness of companies, with the use of agile methodology, which adds value to the business, flexibility, time management, remote leadership, agility, generation of value flow map, intelligent management, effective communication, transparency and employee engagement, elimination of the need for frequent adaptations, among others. It is concluded that the benefits of agile methodology are in its ability to help teams in an evolving scenario, keeping the focus on efficient delivery of business value. The collaborative culture facilitated by Agile also improves efficiency throughout the organization, as teams work together and understand their specific roles in the process.
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