Fractures., Fifth Metatarsus, Treatment, PhysiotherapyAbstract
Fracture is the result of excessive force or impact on the bone, and may occur by tophonomic actions, routine activities, or some aggressive act. This is a case study conducted at the University Center of Caratinga -UNEC, at the Health Care Center of UNEC (CASU), in a patient diagnosed with fracture of the fifth metatarhomes. Fourteen orthopedic physiotherapy visits were performed. The study was characterized as descriptive and exploratory and the follow-up was through its comparison presented in the patient's progress form. The measures recorded in the anamnesis were based, and later, the data recorded at the patient's discharge moment were analyzed to make the correlation of the results obtained with the therapeutic care. After physical examination, an injury to the right foot and ankle with hyperemia was found, reporting pain on palpation. In the muscle shortening test, shortening of the sural triceps muscleof -MMII D. Pain and decreased range of motion were diagnosed. Physiotherapy plays a fundamental role in the rehabilitation process of patients seeking care due to physical involvement linked to movement dysfunction caused by the injury. It was noticed that with the appropriate procedures and physical therapy treatment, the patient, who had suffered a trauma resulting in loss of limb movements and muscle strength, was able to restore them.
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