Lactate, Neuroplasticity, Memory, MCT, Neuroprotection, ExerciceAbstract
Introduction: Lactate is a molecule from anaerobic metabolism, whose action affects several metabolic pathways, such as; Activation of ZIF268 and ARC genes, responsible for neuroplasticity; Neuroprotection, as lactate acts as an alternative pathway for the production of ATP in the nervous system and prevents glutamate excitotoxicity, due to excess synapses; Stimulation of memory and learning, due to favoring the neurotrophic factor BDNF; Mitochondrial Biogenesis, favoring performance in resistance exercise. Objective: Search the literature for the most recent articles that show the actions of lactate in the body. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review. The searches were performed in the following databases: PubMed, Science Direct. Inclusion criteria: publication period 2017-2022, clinical trials only, meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials and reviews. The articles were selected by the correlation between the content and the main theme. Result: It was observed that lactate has an expressive role in stimulating the genes ZIF268, ARC, responsible for neuroplasticity, and BDNF, related to memory and as a neurotrophic factor. This observation, in turn, was carried out experimentally using rats. Neuroprotection has been reported in people after physical exercise through the arrival of lactate in neurons through MCT1 and MCT3 and enhancing their function of energy supply and protection against excitotoxicity. There was an increase in performance in resistance exercises through mitochondrial biogenesis. Conclusion: Lactate pathways proved to be efficient in promoting neuroplasticity, neuroprotection, memory, learning and physical performance.
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