Stomatology; Oral health; dentistryAbstract
Malignant oral diseases can be prevented if recognized early. Since most autoimmune lesions are not seen, they can first go unnoticed by the patient. The main factors that lead a patient to seek urgent dental care are the presence of severe injuries and their consequences, such as severe pain, along with internal trauma. Thus, a brief clinical examination that allows the exclusion of any silent lesion from the oral cavity becomes crucial. The research found that the clinical profile of patients analyzed and referred to the Stomatology Service reveals that many medical professionals still prefer that the same conditions be diagnosed and treated in a specialized center, often due to lack of methods to do a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. The methodology used was a bibliographic study using available articles, dealing with clinical diagnosis and histopathological diagnosis of each lesion, method to obtain the diagnosis and conduct adopted, both issued by the said service, and finally, whether or not there was a new referral, to form criticism and reasoning regarding the pathological conditions that affect the oral cavity, expand knowledge of the management of patients with various diseases, including those with specific oral localization and those with systemic effects that include a dental component.
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Site: Portal da Educação: https://www.portaleducacao.com.br/odontologia/artigos/55899/o-que-faz-um-estomatologista
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