


brain sends the stimulus that causes the ciliary body


Accommodation is the mechanism responsible for keeping vision clear at different distances. The brain sends the stimulus that causes the ciliary body, the coroide, the zoonulas and the lens to be able to change from form to maintain the focus on the retina. The main tests for accommodative diagnoses are: accommodation breadth, accommodative flexibility, accommodative lag, positive and negative relative accommodation. Insufficiency of accommodation is the most prevalent accommodative dysfunction and can negatively affect the life of those who have it, especially during the school and academic period. Through a literature review that involved reading and several books and articles searched in the Databases Pubmed, LILACS and Google Scholar, it is demonstrated that insufficient accommodation can promote disorders such as headache, drowsiness and repudiation of works that require close vision. Further studies are needed to standardize the diagnostic criteria of insufficiency of accommodation, since there is currently no uniformity.


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Author Biographies

  • Ivone Aguiar Gama

    Graduada em Administração (UECE) Graduanda em Optometria (RATIO) Especializanda em Saúde da Visão (FAELO)

  • Ana Paula Dutra de Oliveira

    Graduação em Optometria (RATIO)  Especializanda em Saúde da Visão (FAELO)

  • Rodrigo Trentin Sonoda

    Especialista em Docência  Superior  (UNIBF),  Terapia  Oftálmica  (FACUMINAS),  Estudos  de  Oftalmologia (UNIBF), Perícia Judicial (FBMG), Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (FSG) Graduado Óptica e Optometria (UBC). Prof.  Coordenador OWP Educação  -  WEducar Santos e  São  Paulo. Docente Pós Graduação FAELO/PE. 7° Membro da Academia Brasileira da Visão.



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How to Cite

INSUFFICIENCY OF ACCOMMODATION. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(11), e3112255.