


Breastfeeding; Father; Health promotion; Educational technology


Breastfeeding is a fundamental strategy for the promotion of maternal and child health, with paternal support being an important factor for its success. The study aims to develop a booklet-type educational technology aimed at promoting breastfeeding involving the co-participation of parents. This is a methodological study developed in order to validate the content, appearance and suitability of the material by expert judges, as well as its organization, writing style, appearance and motivation with the target audience. Data collection took place through the application of questionnaires, and after a literature review, textual elaboration, illustration and diagramming, the booklet entitled “Pai: Amigo do Bosom” had its initial version submitted to the evaluation of 24 content judges and 7 professionals from the area of ​​design and marketing, in addition to validation by the target audience. Data analysis took place through the IVC and readability test. The global CVI according to the judges' evaluation was 0.92 in content and 0.97 in appearance. The educational material was considered by the target audience to be very relevant, with a CVI of 0.98. After adapting the material, the readability test revealed an index of 60, classifying it as easy to read. The technology was considered to have internal validity in content and appearance. It is believed that this study will contribute to the inclusion of the father in the strengthening of practices aimed at promoting breastfeeding, serving as a reference for the construction of new technologies.


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Author Biographies

  • Camila de Oliveira Prata Pessoa

    Medical Student at Centro Universita´rio de Patos, Master in Family Health from the State University of Ceará, graduated in Nursing from the State University of Ceará.

  • Charles Bernardino Pontes

    Graduated in Medicine from the State University of Ceará, specialist in Family Health from the Federal University of Ceará.

  • Clarissa de Oliveira Prata

    Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Campina Grande, specialist in Family Health from the Federal University of Ceará.

  • Gustavo Santos de Araújo

    Graduated in Medicine from the State University of Ceará.

  • Glaucia Posso Lima

    PhD in Collective Health from Universidade Estadula do Ceará, graduated in Nutrition from Universidade Estadual do Ceará.


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