


Violence against women, Nursing Care, Sexual Violence, Violence


Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the actions of nurses in the care of women who are victims of sexual violence and an approach to be adopted by nurses in these cases. Methodology: The study in focus is characterized by an integrative bibliographic review, in the period from 2015 to 2022, through a survey in the electronic database of the Virtual Health Library (BVS –BIREME) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo). Results: sixteen articles were selected in correspondence with the theme, the category was specified for deepening and discussion, where the published knowledge on the proposed theme was consolidated, syntactically chained in order to obtain a set of theses and conclusions from selected authors. Conclusion: This study leads to the conclusion that violence against women is a public health problem and nursing, in this context, performs activities of reception, qualified listening, screening and prevention of damage caused by aggression. It is assumed that nursing professionals face the challenge of dealing with the problem that affects the health and life of women in all categories, suggesting the training of nursing professionals in order to enable them to care for the victim of sexual violence and adapt them to the conducts to be taken in these cases.


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Author Biographies

  • Francisca Maria Gonçalves dos Santos

    Formada no Curso de Enfermagem da Universidade Paulista (UNIP) do Campus Brasilia - DF


  • Mayara Cândida Pereira

    Universidade Paulista - UNIP campus Brasília DF


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BAPTISTA, RS; CHAVES, OBBM; FRANÇA, ISX; SOUSA, FS; OLIVEIRA, MG; LEITE CCS. Violência sexual contra mulheres: a prática dos Enfermeiros. Revista da Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste, 2015, v.16, n.2.

LIMA, CS; ALMEIDA, SD; NASCIMENTO, JCC; NOGUEIRA, ALF; COSTA, ES; MAGALHÃES, RO; SILVA, ALC. Assistência de enfermagem frente a mulheres vítimas de violência no Brasil. Research Society and Development, 2021, v.10, n.1.

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How to Cite

ROLE OF NURSES IN CARE FOR WOMEN VICTIMS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(12), e3122305.