


Health Management, Radiology, Radiation Protection, Nuclear Medicine, Patient Safety


The concept of Patient Safety (SP) has a global analysis character on deficiencies in health service centers. In this sense, to mitigate the effects of these possible failures, it is necessary to create defense strategies for the system. The Systematic Literature Review was carried out in a time frame from 2017 to 2022, using the MEDLINE, VHL, PUBMED, LILACS, SCIELO and SCOPUS databases on Patient Safety in Nuclear Medicine. Studies in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with 2 search strategies: the first (("Nuclear Medicine" OR "Atomic Medicine" OR "Nuclear Radiology" OR "Nuclear Medicine" OR "Nuclear Radiology") AND ("Patient Safety" OR "Patient Safety" OR "Adverse Events" OR "Event") We included 12 articles in the composition of the review, presenting studies related to possible errors with potential damage to the patient's health, as well as mitigation alternatives. In view of the findings, it is possible to conclude that there are many studies that broadly address patient safety. Although Nuclear Medicine is an area with a single risk factor related to the administration of radioactive materials, there are few specific studies that relate Nuclear Medicine to Patient Safety. Therefore, an area of study that should be fostered.


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Author Biographies

  • Nagela Rosita Conte dos Santos

    Graduated in Technology in Radiology and Master in Radiation Protection from the IFSC. She is currently a radiology technologist at the SONITEC clinic and works mainly in the following areas: Mammography, Nuclear Medicine and teaching

  • Tatiane Sabriela Cagol Camozzato

    Professor at the Department of Health and Services, working in the area of ​​Anatomy, Physiology, Nuclear Medicine and Radiological Protection, in the Superior Course of Technology in Radiology and in the Professional Master's Degree in Radiological Protection at IFSC.

  • Caroline de Medeiros

    Effective professor in the Superior Course of Technology in Radiology and in the Professional Master's Degree in Radiation Protection at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina. She holds a degree in Radiology, a Master's in Education and a PhD in Nursing. He has experience in the field of Medical Radiology.


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How to Cite

PATIENT SAFETY IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE SERVICES: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(12), e3122349.