Nursing, Burnout, Professional, Primary Health CareAbstract
This study aimed to identify, in the existing scientific literature, the occurrence of Burnout Syndrome in Primary Health Care nursing professionals. It is an integrative literature review conducted by two independent reviewers, in the databases LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, MEDLINE and PubMed. The research question was built based on the PICo strategy, considering the following question: what is the occurrence of Burnout Syndrome in nursing professionals in primary health care? The following were included: primary studies with full text available electronically, free of charge, that presented the occurrence of Burnout Syndrome in primary care nursing professionals, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, published in the last 10 years and that responded to the objective of research, and excluded: gray literature, studies that included other health professionals, such as doctors, dentists, etc. Eight articles were included in the study, the results found were categorized to ensure a better understanding of: relationship between sociodemographic and work characteristics with the development of Burnout Syndrome, incidence of the syndrome in these professionals and which strategies and interventions listed with applicability in primary care . The study identified that nursing professionals in primary health care have moderate levels of Burnout Syndrome, with professional achievement as the main dimension. It is imperative that there be implementation of psychological follow-up within primary care units, aimed at other professionals, especially nursing professionals, so that they are always alert to the signs that the syndrome presents.
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