


Institutionalized Elderly, Quality of life, Nursing care


Humanization in health aimed at institutionalized elderly people can not only meet any type of patient's need in their particular institution, but also come to see them as a complete human being who needs care to achieve a satisfactory recovery and quality of life. in addition to understanding the different approaches involved in the dynamics of clients' lives, recognizing their rights, their history and their feelings, since the word “humanization” is conceived as a type of meeting the integral needs of the individual and basic human needs. The objective was to identify publications on the humanized comprehensive care of nursing care for institutionalized elderly in the national and international literature, aiming at improving the quality of life in long-stay institutions. This is an integrative literature review, carried out between September and October 2022. Data collection was carried out by searching scientific articles published in the last 10 years in the Virtual Health Library (BVS-BIREME) using the descriptors “Institutionalized elderly”, “Quality of life” and “Nursing care”. Six studies related to the theme were selected, categorized into two categories, namely: studies focusing on humanized nursing care; and studies focusing on nursing care in the prevention of falls and quality of life. We emphasize the need for nursing care with a focus on humanization so that the elderly residents of these institutions can have health and quality of life worthy of any elderly person in the community.


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Author Biographies

  • Tracy Leite Wong

    Centro Universitário Dinamica das Cataratas (UDC)

  • Gabriely Neves Ewerling

    Centro Universitário Dinamica das Cataratas (UDC)

  • Wesley Martins

    Centro Universitário Dinâmica das Cataratas (UDC)

  • Cinthya de Fátima Oliveira Strada

    Centro Universitário Dinamica das Cataratas (UDC)


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How to Cite

HUMANIZATION OF NURSING ASSISTANCE FOR INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(12), e3122431.