Nurse; Chemotherapy; Radiotherapy.Abstract
Introduction: Nursing is of great importance throughout the chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment, with professionals who continuously monitor the patient and provide guidance related to the treatment to all involved. This guidance is essential in understanding these patients and their families, making it possible to resolve doubts and enable better adherence to chemotherapy and in coping with the pathology. Objective: To describe studies that address nursing care for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Methodology: Literature review, in Portuguese and English, using electronic databases, study carried out in October and November 2022. Analysis and discussion of results: Cancers comprise a group of more than 100 diseases that have in common the ability of your cells to grow irregularly, affecting tissues and organs. The type of treatment depends on the specific type, location, and grade of the cancer. Chemotherapy involves the use of one or more compounds to treat cancer and diseases caused by biological agents, and may be given at the same time as surgery and radiation. Conclusion: It is important for nurses to develop health education and skills as caregivers of patients undergoing outpatient chemotherapy and radiotherapy in order to promote relationships that allow patients to be more satisfied and face their care. This training is guided by the understanding of each one and promotes a good understanding of the disease, its treatments, how side effects are managed and the patient's experience.
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