


Primary health care, Psychosocial care, Covid-19


The context of pandemic covid-19 requires attention to the health worker with regard to their physical health and, especially, to the mental health. Considering the importance of the adoption of the care management of health professionals and the existing knowledge on the subject, this scope review aims to map the publications on the management of care carried out by health professionals in the context of Covid-19. This is a scope review that seeks to identify the types of evidence available in a given field by analyzing knowledge gaps. According to the results presented through scientific evidence, 4 elementary topics were categorized that allow the resolution of the question based on methodological aspects. The topics are distributed in: (1) Stress at work in health; (2) Challenges faced in the context of Covid-19; (3) Care strategies; and (4) Care management. The Pandemic demanded new individual and collective care strategies to address the health and humanitarian crisis, which highlighted the qualification and training projects in the online modality.


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Author Biographies

  • Benedita Lopes Fernandes Eleutério
    Nurse. Specialist in pediatrics and neonatology. Master's student of the Postgraduate Program in Collective Health - PPSAC at the State University of Ceará - UECE
  • Maria Salete Bessa Jorge
    Enfermeira, Pós-doutora, docente do mestrado profissional em gestão em saúde Universidade Estadual do Ceará.        


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How to Cite

CARE MANAGEMENT IN PRIMARY AND PSYCHOSOCIAL CARE IN THE CONTEXT OF COVID-19: A SCOPE REVIEW. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e412481.