
  • Francisco Carlos Barbosa dos Santos
  • Erick Vitor de Araujo Cezario
  • Gabriel Forti Feliciano
  • Luana Ferreira Fedele
  • Luara Rhana Domingos da Silva



fake news, social networks, misinformation


Since the end of the 1970s, when the process and invention of digital social networks began until the present day, there has been a constant and growing adherence to these networks, which currently have more than three billion users. Due to the uninterrupted flow of information and consequent dynamism present in social networks, most of its users do not use them only as a form of socialization, but also as a form of data consultation (from the most diverse areas of knowledge) and as an open space for the expression of their beliefs and ideas. However, despite the qualities in relation to greater access to knowledge (given the number of users of social networks and the informality present in these) and the freedom of expression made possible by the networks, there is a very large stage for the dissemination of false news and posts, which implies the question of the growth of the disinformation cycle and the process of sharing fake news. This article carried out a systematic survey, through the base of articles and journals web of science and, subsequently, an analysis of relevant articles (impact factor and citation) seeking to understand the concept of media influence and the factors that lead people to accept certain untruths even when presented with the correct facts.


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Author Biographies

  • Francisco Carlos Barbosa dos Santos

    Universidade Alves Faria

  • Erick Vitor de Araujo Cezario

    Graduando em Lazer e Turismo – Universidade de São Paulo

  • Gabriel Forti Feliciano

    Graduando em Educação Física e Saúde – Universidade de São Paulo

  • Luana Ferreira Fedele

    Graduanda em Biotecnologia – Universidade de São Paulo

  • Luara Rhana Domingos da Silva

    Graduanda em Biotecnologia – Universidade de São Paulo


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How to Cite

MEDIA DEFLUENCE IN THE PERCEPTION OF THE VERACITY OF INFORMATION. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e412495.