



high demand for IT professionals and an effort by academia


Although there is a high demand for IT professionals and an effort by academia and the market, the percentage of women in IT courses is still low. Researchers in the area have been trying to map the main causes of this fact and what actions could contribute to the increase of women in IT. Given this scenario, the objective of this article was to answer, through a systematic review, the following research questions: For women, what factors prevent the choice of IT course? and What actions can be taken to reverse this scenario. After completing the work, the results collected point to the existence of gender stereotypes, lack of information about the area and lack of family incentive as the main offending causes. As improvement actions, the studies indicate the holding of lectures and mini-courses in secondary and elementary schools, the creation of projects for the inclusion of women in IT, as well as greater dissemination of the achievements made by the female public in this area. For future work, the use of new knowledge bases is suggested, in addition to the reapplication of the review protocol created by this article.


Author Biographies

  • Ana Clara Alvarenga Rodrigues

    Discente do Curso Técnico em Informática, IFPB, campus Itaporanga – PB.

  • Ewerthon Dyego de Araujo Batista

    Docente do Curso Técnico em Informática, IFPB, campus Itaporanga – PB.

  • Cibele Diniz Felix dos Santos

    Discente do Curso Técnico em Informática, IFPB, campus Itaporanga – PB.

  • Francisca Sabrina da Silva

    Discente do Curso Técnico em Informática, IFPB, campus Itaporanga – PB.

  • Geovanna Soares Gomes

    Discente do Curso Técnico em Informática, IFPB, campus Itaporanga – PB.

  • Rauana de Carvalho Bento

    Discente do Curso Técnico em Informática, IFPB, campus Itaporanga – PB.

  • Rauane de Carvalho Bento

    Discente do Curso Técnico em Informática, IFPB, campus Itaporanga – PB.

  • Maria Julia Sales Farias Chaves

    Discente do Curso Técnico em Informática, IFPB, campus Itaporanga – PB.

  • Rayane Leite dos Santos

    Discente do Curso Técnico em Informática, IFPB, campus Itaporanga – PB.


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How to Cite

WHY NOT IT? LOW FEMALE PARTICIPATION IN IT COURSES: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e412565. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i1.2565