Disorder, Behavior, Diagnosis, TreatmentAbstract
Autism is considered a disorder that affects human development, its condition presents traces on different scales. The study seeks to certify the veracity of the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder and how it implies in people's lives. The present work is a bibliographic review with a qualitative focus. Over the years, the criteria for diagnosing autism have undergone changes, and the behaviors presented are guided by the use of the Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders (ICD 10), the World Health Organization and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5), of the American Psychiatric Association. Parents are fundamental in contributing to diagnosis, pass safety to children and also contribute to their development process. Autism has no cure, but it is essential that treatment occurs, and in this ites the ABA method and the TACCH method, which help in the modification of behaviors, stand out. It is very important that the population seeks more and more knowledge about autism spectrum disorder, so that it is possible to have a specialized inclusion, which meets their demands, free of prejudices.
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