COVID-19; Mental health; Nursing Professor; Worker's health.Abstract
Objective: To describe the mental health characteristics of teaching nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. Data were collected in August 2020. Data were collected through a closed instrument that characterized the sociodemographic, professional and health profile. After tabulation of the data, these were described by means of absolute and relative frequency and mean values. Results: Of the 27 teaching nurses, it was found that 15 (55.6%) had good health, four (14.9%) started some type of psychological follow-up, and of these two (7.4%) took some type of psychiatrist medication. Conclusion: Although the majority had good health, four began some psychological follow-up. These data reveal a concern with university professors, as they are inserted in an environment conducive to mental illness caused by the impacts of COVID-19.
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