Maternidade, Trabalho, Licença Maternidade, PresenteísmoAbstract
Objectives: to know the presentism index and analyze the dimensions of the health of the worker, after the maternity event correlated with the Covid-19 pandemic. Methodology: research carried out with effective servants of a federal educational institution, women and mothers who enjoyed maternity leave between 2014 and 2019. The collection of data was online. The quantitative data were analyzed using the SPSS program and the qualitative analysis through the thematic content analysis. Results: a predominance (54.7%) of women with a medium technical level. The highest presentism index (16.54) was present in servers with a medium technical level. The changes produced in the labor dynamics, associated with the fear of transmitting the virus and the adaptation to the Home Office services during the pandemic, will affect physical and mental health. Conclusions: analyzing the dimensions of the health of the worker after the maternity event, it was noticed that the demands and responsibilities increased significantly, impacting on the productivity of the work, on her physical and mental health. And, when correlating the Covid-19 pandemic with the return to work after maternity, the rupture with the support networks was evidenced, which intensified the overload of these women.
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