Type 1 diabetes, Therapy, Psychology, Hypoglycemia, DietAbstract
Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) is a chronic metabolic disease that diagnosed during childhood or adolescence, which generates a psychosocial impact in lives of these young people, both by the diagnosis and treatment of disease, as they influence life habits related to diet, physical activity and general care, as well as, this phase of life implies changes that will impact the psychological and social of individual, in addition the dependence of those responsible for carrying out the treatment. Thus, the study seeks to discuss a better form of therapeutic approach at this stage of life. Objectives: The aim of this study is to indicate the difficulties and problems triggered by the diagnosis and treatment of DM1 in young people, as well as to instruct a better way of approach to the success of treatment and patient well-being. Methodology: It consists a quantitative bibliographic review study related to the therapeutic approach and biopsychosocial impacts of DM1 treatment in young people. The period analyzed is from 2008 to 2023, and theoretical bases were SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and PubMed, with five descriptors used in combination to research references. Consequently, they were selected according to the content in abstract, to make up the study thesis. Results: The results address: the risk of psychological disorders in young people diagnosed with DM1; their difficulty in being responsible for the treatment; the importance of diabetes education to achieve good therapeutic results; pharmacological treatment and dietary counseling; and finally the risks of the therapy itself.
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