
  • Maria Cleide Bernalda Pereira



Gender violence. Women's rights. Bibliographical study. Theoretical framework.


This article presents an integrative review of scientific production in Social Work collected from the expressions "social worker" and "violence against women" in the CAPES journal portal. The question that gave rise to the research was "what are the main theoretical bases on gender issues that are triggered in the scientific production on the social worker's action in coping with gender/violence against women?" The aim was to analyze the theoretical framework on gender issues that gave basis for scientific production in the area. To achieve the objective, studies on the work of the social worker in relation to combating gender/violence against women were mapped, the analysis and synthesis of the data extracted from the texts were carried out descriptively; the authors on gender most cited in the scientific production on the social worker's action in coping with gender/violence against women were identified; and the concepts of gender/violence against women were analyzed. The journal portal returned 14 titles, of which 9 composed the corpus based on the inclusion criteria: a) article in Portuguese, b) available in full; and c) indexed. The results indicate interest in discussing the concept of violence without necessarily enrolling in one of the aspects of gender studies or citing reference authors in the area.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Cleide Bernalda Pereira

    Graduada em Serviço Social, pela Universidade Pitágoras UNOPAR, Especialização em Lato Sensu em Serviço Social, pela Instituição Faculeste.                    



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How to Cite

GENDER STUDIES IN SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(2), e422772.