Optometry; Optic Prism; Active Prism Therapy; Passive Prism Therapy; Neuro-Optometric Therapy.Abstract
This research has the objective of enumerating the physical and elementary features of the optic prism and the therapeutic techniques through its use in the Optometry. The ways to obtain the prismatic effect will be shown, formulas used for the decentralized surface, the quantum obtained through a certain decentralization error, either in the lens itself or in other modalities of refractive instrument, as in the Fresnel lens. The various therapies remain, active and passive, such as the application of the prism to passive compensate for heterophorias, diplopias and the neuro-optometric therapy. And the use of active prism therapy, aimed at improving the patient's fusional reserves and independence of permanent prismatic compensation. The methodology used is a bibliographic review, citing traditional optometric literature and more recent scientific articles.
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