


known that water contaminated by coliforms is one of the most important means


It is known that water contaminated by coliforms is one of the most important means for the transmission of so-called acute diarrheatic diseases or also described as acute gastroenteritis, and the monitoring of water resources, especially for viral agents, is increasingly discussed, pointed out as one of the main causes of acute gastroenteritis rotaviruses. In this sense, the study aimed to describe the importance of environmental monitoring of water resources for rotavirus in combating acute gastroenteritis. This is a qualitative study, in the narrative review format, with the survey of evidence in different indexing databases, referring to the period 2017 to 2022, making it possible to present more perspectives on the problem. The search resulted in a total of 1,179 findings, then a critical reading of the studies was performed and 62 studies were selected that helped synthesize the topics. It is concluded that the monitoring of different water resources is extremely important, given the high rates of acute gastroenteritis cases, especially in children under five years of age, being an important factor for infant mortality around the world, especially highlighting that developing countries suffer the most impacts generated by water-transmitting diseases such as rotavirus infections. In addition, Brazil presents a behavior that goes against international efforts to improve water quality, where the greatest impact is observed in the northern region that suffers from high rates of water-delivery diseases such as gastroenteritis.


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Author Biographies

  • Eduardo Felipe dos Santos Cardoso

    Cesupa - Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará.

  • Wallex da Silva Guimaraes

    Instituto Evandro Chagas.

  • Beatriz Oliveira Amaro

    Graduada em Biomedicina, Mestranda do Programa de Epidemiologia e Vigilância em Saúde pelo Instituto Evandro Chagas Pará, atuante na sessão de meio ambiente.

  • Jéssica Oliveira Pacheco

    Centro Universitário FIBRA.

  • Larissa Guedes Batista

    Enfermeira, Especialista em Centro cirúrgico e central de material esterilizado pela instituição Unyleya. Faculdade de saúde humana e ecologia.

  • Gabrielle da Silva Franco

    Médica com interesse em clínica generalista - Universidade Estadual do Pará (UEPA).

  • Waldirene Ferreira Monteiro

    Especialista em nefrologia e UTI. Mestra em docência do ensino superior. Uniesamaz - Centro Universitário da Amazônia.


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