Sustainability, Social discount, Sustainable consumptionAbstract
This article aims to verify the social discount under the consumption of sustainable and unsustainable products. Forty psychology university students took part in this study. Data collection was conducted in three stages, with a 20-day gap between them. The activity consisted of 1) splitting an amount of R$ 1000.00 among eight people from a list of 50 fictional people. These people were number 1, 3, 5, 9, 23, and 50; 2) participants had to choose a gift between a sustainable and an unsustainable one, an instruction was displayed to inform that the sustainable gift is less harmful to the environment: Perfume, wine, mobile phone, book and t-shirt were used as products; and 3) in the third questionnaire, the price tag was presented in the products, in which the sustainable products were 30% more expensive than its unsustainable substitutes, for the same products and instruction of questionnaire 2. The results showed that as people move themselves away, the lower the value divided with it, while for the product choice, the price variable had more effect on the choice than the sustainable information. It can be concluded that, from the point of view of behavior analysis, a change in cultural practices is necessary and that sustainable products should have prices like their unsustainable substitutes.
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