Photobleaching. Direct photolysis. Ultraviolet Radiation. Indigotine Blue. Ponceau Red 4 R. Methylene Blue.Abstract
Wastewater from industries (food, textiles and leather) that use dyes in their production process are potential sources of pollution of water bodies. Effluents containing dyes modify the physical-chemical and biological properties of the aquatic environment, as they have a high load of organic matter and intense coloring. Environmental contamination is aggravated because these colored effluents are difficult to remove through the natural process of biodegradation. In this work, the direct photolysis process using ultraviolet radiation was used to treat solutions of food dyes, indigotine blue and ponceau red 4R, and a text dye, methylene blue. The experiments were carried out in a cylindrical photoreactor made of stainless steel with a solution recirculation system using an electropump. The photoreactor consists of a medium pressure mercury vapor lamp. The dye solutions were analyzed by ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy before the irradiation process and at different time intervals during irradiation. The results obtained indicate that direct photolysis is efficient for photobleaching of indigotine blue, ponceau red 4R and methylene blue dyes. The efficiency of the photobleaching process was 96% for indigo carmine blue with 140 minutes of irradiation, 89% for ponceau red 4R with 280 minutes of irradiation and 72% for methylene blue with 660 minutes of irradiation.
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