research aims to bring to light the importance that the integration betweenAbstract
This research aims to bring to light the importance that the integration between avant-garde institutions, which operate in the field of Public Security, can bring to a society that calls for the effectiveness of the authorities in the fight against crime. It should be noted that this joint action between the Military Police of Paraná and the State Public Prosecutor's Office, in this work dealing exclusively with the field of knowledge production (intelligence), will bring about the maximization of resources and opportunities, illuminating that the sum of efforts, when properly organized, it is the best measure for an effective fight against crime. It is understood that several concrete and important actions already exist between the institutions, however, a new step is sought and it is hoped that the Integrated Intelligence Operations (through the production of knowledge of the Intelligence of the PMPR shared with the MPPR and vice-president) versa), have an Integrated Action Protocol and that there is a clear and fluid path for the beginning, middle and end of these joint intelligence actions. This research aims to demonstrate the importance of integration and sharing in the area of intelligence, as well as to explain the need to outline a work process suitable for the joint action of the entities involved.
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