


psychopedagogy, education, protagonism, ways of learning


This research is justified by the need for science and ethics to systematize the scope of relevance of psychopedagogical advances in relation to ways of learning, since it is still a scope that depends on a lot of study for psychopedagogy to be established relevantly autonomous. Its scopes have been cut for institutional learning in a business environment and, also, clinic focused on protagonism in the school environment. The problem is with what relevance psychopedagogy is currently able to attract the attention of the aforementioned sciences, fields, ethics and objectives to be accepted as a collaborator in the specificity of ways of learning considering the epistemological principle that there can be no learning without teaching and no teaching without learning considering its interrelationship with the other fields listed here. The methodology is qualitative, based on the systematization of research conducted in the last 10 years. The paradigm is one of complexity due to the established objective that has as prerogative the complexity of the being that learns. The expected result is the presentation of a systematized scope capable of corroborating with the ways of learning of the cognoscent being to expand the relevance of psychopedagogy to serve a complex society in its way of learning and, also, of the individuals who compose it in a way increasingly recognized and desired for the positivity of the results obtained from the use of its proposals related to the scope presented here.


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Author Biographies

  • Moises Lopes da Silva

    UNIB - Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana - Professor e pesquisador, palestrante empresarial e educacional, escritor, graduação: Letras: português/ inglês/ espanhol, pós-graduação lato sensu: -Psicopedagogia clínica e institucional, mestrado em Educação com ênfase em psicopedagogia, doutorando em Educação com ênfase em psicopedagogia, psicanálise: Instituto IBC, pós-graduação lato sensu: LIBRAS, formação técnica: contador e Informática, proficiência: Inglês, Espanhol, LIBRAS, especializações: USP, UNB, FAPI, HOYLER, ELLIS, CNA Proficiency, CCAA.

  • Sissiliana Bethania del Rocio Vilchez de Rabanal

    She is an advisor professor of Doctoral Theses in Distance Learning at the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana - UNINI for Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain and Brazil. She holds a PhD in Information Science from IBICT- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ. Master in Public Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas FGV-Rio and Master in Social Work from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio. Graduated in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Brasília – UCB. Graduated in Social Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo - UNT (Perú) and Licensed in Social Anthropology from the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo - UNT (Perú). With Professional Registration at CRA-RJ No. 20-73780-7. She has national and international experience in Higher Education and Educational Management. Contact emails: and


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How to Cite

PSYCHOPEDAGOGICAL SYSTEMATIZATION OF THE SCOPE WAYS OF LEARNING. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(4), e443012.