Gastrointestinal worms infections in sheep are mainly caused by helminthsAbstract
Gastrointestinal worms infections in sheep are mainly caused by helminths. The most popular treatment consists in the use of anthelmintics. However, bigger has been the resistance of these parasites due to resistance to many chemical principles available on the market. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of albendazole and levamisole in 34 sheep Texel and their crosses, naturally infected, on the property of the Municipality of Santana do Livramento, Brazil, called Cooperation field. All animals were identified using, numbered ear devices (plastic earrings), divided in 2 lots of 17 sheep each, called albendazole and levamisole group. The all parturients animals received vermifuge every 30 days. At each dosage, the parturients body condition score (BCS) was estimated. For the evaluation of verminoses, as well as the effectiveness of the drugs developed Famacha tests and egg Count per gram feces (OPG), with pre-treatment (D0) and post-treatment (D7) for subsequent calculation about reduction percentage. (TRCOF). To identify these parasites, we performed a coproculture test. As a result, albendazole showed greater efficiency compared to levamisole. However, it showed reduced action in later uses. In coproculture, there was a high occurrence of helminths belonging to the Haemonchus sp. e Trichostrongylus sp genera in infections of this flock. Furthermore, poor correlation OPG data with Famacha and ECC was observed. Therefore, concluded that there is anthelmincts resistance in animals of this property and that was Haemonchus contortus was the parasite most prevalent in this analyses.
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