
  • Vitoria Bernardo do Amaral
  • Fernanda Cristina Nogueira Rodrigues
  • Valdinéia Maria Tognetti



etiological agent of the non-carious lesion


The etiological agent of the non-carious lesion is a compilation of multifactors, and the initial lesion may be caused by erosion, attrition, abrasion, abfraction, or a combination of these causes. However, there is a vast amount of products that can be used in these cases. Therefore, this work made a bibliographic survey about possible approaches for a better clinical care in the treatment of cervical non-carious lesions based on the extensive literature, so that these lesions can be identified early and treated as best as possible.Thepurpose of performing restorative treatment is to establish esthetics, function, and to prevent the progression of the lesion, to reduce dental hypersensitivity and return health and quality of life to the patients. Therefore, the identification and removal of the causative factor before restoring the lesion is essential.


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Author Biography

  • Vitoria Bernardo do Amaral

    Universidade São Francisco.


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How to Cite

THERAPEUTIC AND RESTORATIVE APPROACH IN NON-CARIOUS LESIONS: LITERATURE REVIEW . (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e413239.