Melasma is a commonly acquired pigmentaryAbstract
Melasma is a commonly acquired pigmentary dermatological dysfunction, more frequently observed in adult women and with phototypes II to IV. It presents as symmetrical and ill-defined hyperpigmented spots on the face, causing a low self-esteem of patients. This study aims to characterize and evaluate the treatment profile of aesthetic dysfunction melasma in women, through the pharmaceutical consultation carried out in a private pharmacy in the interior of southwestern Bahia. Pharmaceutical interviews were conducted with 30 women through a questionnaire on treatment, control and prevention of melasma. Expected results were obtained, and the major causes reported by these patients for this aesthetic dysfunction were: pregnancy (50%), sun exposure (33%) and stress (7%), when referring to the appearance, among the 30 women only (20%) stressed feeling good. Some protectors, in addition to having a broad spectrum and protection against UVA and UVB radiation and visible light, have depigmenting actives that contribute to the improvement in the appearance of the skin. The patients interviewed reported the use of dermocosmetics and nutricosmetics, and the actives that stood out the most were the use of bleaching agents such as: hydroquinone (15%), kojic acid (10%), tranexamic acid (5%), other actives such as antioxidant; vitamin C (10%) and moisturizers (5%) and products from industrialized brands such as Vichy® (3%) and Neutrogena® (2%). Of the nutricosmetics, the only one mentioned was Polypodium Leucotomus (5%). Sunscreen is the main tool in the prevention of skin blemishes and aging.
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