physical therapy, oncology, palliative care.Abstract
Cancer is a set of abnormalities that lead to an uncontrolled growth of cells, which tend to invade organs and tissues of the body. Because there is a large proportion of patients diagnosed with cancer without a therapeutic cure, it is necessary that a multidisciplinary team accompany them, providing palliative care for a better quality of life. Among this team is the oncological physiotherapist, an indispensable professional for having an arsenal of resources and techniques aimed mainly at reducing the symptoms of other treatments, providing well-being. Objective: to describe the contribution of the physical therapist to palliative care in cancer patients. Method: To carry out this literature review, the following question was used: What is the contribution of physical therapy in palliative care for cancer patients? For this article, databases such as Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and manual searches on the Google Scholar platform were used. Results: Adopting content analysis procedures, it is clear that physical therapy has a fundamental role as part of a multidisciplinary team focused on cancer patients, as it has its own procedures that can significantly improve the lives of these patients. In this way, the importance of the physical therapist is reaffirmed, and it is necessary that more studies are carried out so that there is a better adaptation to the needs of each patient, in order to minimize symptoms and improve quality of life.
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