



construction is one of the sectors that most


Civil construction is one of the sectors that generate the most jobs in Brazil, being of great relevance to the country's economy. On the other hand, it is a sector that causes great environmental impacts. In the attempt of new possibilities that seek to reduce the use of natural resources, industrialized systems stand out. The present work aims to compare the conventional masonry construction system with the Wood frame method. The Wood frame is composed of a structural system in reforested wood, coated with panels. Thus, this work seeks to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the Wood frame system in relation to the traditional one, through a comparative analysis, developed from bibliographic studies, evaluating points such as construction cost, thermoacoustic comfort, sustainability and environmental aspects, fire resistance and maintenance. For each of the points, weights and grades were assigned, and the feasibility value was calculated, granted by a mathematical equation, thus serving as a general parameter for the evaluation. Therefore, it was possible to verify that the Wood frame method presented advantages in the results obtained, especially in the points sustainability, thermoacoustic comfort and ease of maintenance. With this, this system has the potential to be applied in projects for popular residences.


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Author Biographies

  • Érico Clévio da Roza

    Ulbra - Universidade Luterana do Brasil - Carazinho - RS.

  • Julia Favretto, Lutheran University of Brazil
    Civil Engineer - Federal University of Rio Grande FURG - 2015 Master in Engineering - University of Passo Fundo UPF - 2018 Current - Professor - Lutheran University of Brazil ULBRA Carazinho, RS


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How to Cite

EVALUATIVE STUDY OF THE WOOD FRAME SYSTEM COMPARED TO THE CONVENTIONAL MASONRY SYSTEM FOR LOW-INCOME HOMES. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(7), e473502. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i7.3502