


Reading. Reality.World.Understanding


The idealized work appears to contribute educationally, speaking of a healthy subject, the formation of the conception of understanding of the different ways of understanding the world, our reality from an angle of reading reality as a preponderant strategy for the development of students in the school environment. Aiming to understand the variable readings of the current world, making these previous elements a rich source of knowledge and understanding of the universe around us at school, our liberation through knowledge coming out of ignorance, transforming us into critical beings. The significance of focusing on a theme of this nature is immeasurable as it deals with a very important subject in the country's academies, referring to readings capable of allowing the analysis of authors, reaffirming that reading the various facets of the world around us is something essential, to the teaching paradigm currently estimated. Thinking about an education without understanding that reading is a determining factor in the construction of knowledge, mediating with active, critical, problematizing, transforming and formative purposes, one of the fundamental biases, involves the transformation of the methodological action in teaching, especially with regard to reading as an intrinsic way of understanding the world, its surroundings, or reading not only the word itself, but understanding is a very powerful element to understand the reality that surrounds us.


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Alexandre Firme de Oliveira, UNIVERSIDADE VALE DO ACARAÚ-UVA

    Possui graduação em Pedagogia pela Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (2003), é especialista em Alfabetização pela Universidade Potiguar (UnP), 2010. Mestre em Educação (2020) pela Consultoria ESL-PB. Atualmente é professor do ensino fundamental da Prefeitura Municipal de Macaíba e Parnamirim. Tem experiência na área de Educação, com ênfase em Aprendizagens Significativas e Metodologias Ativas, Leitura e Poesia Interativa, desenvolveu projetos e produções na área de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação ( Robótica Educacional e Artigos de divulgação cientifica) atuando principalmente no seguinte tema: avaliação, aprendizagem, psicologia e alfabetização no Ensino Fundamental de 9 anos.



How to Cite

NEW FORMS OF CONTEMPORARY READING IN THE SCHOOL SCOPE. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(5), e25352.