dental practice with the insertion and acceptanceAbstract
In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift in dental practice with the insertion and acceptance, both by patients and professionals, of new alternative therapies. Phytotherapy and ozone therapy are examples of modalities that have gained space in dentistry. Ozone therapy or ozone therapy consists of pure application (gaseous) or associated with other substances (ozonized water) for various therapeutic purposes, such as cavities, tooth sensitivity, implants, extractions and endodontic treatments. It is known that the focus of endodontic therapy is the elimination and neutralization of microorganisms that trigger the pathological changes that affect the pulp and tissues. Conventional therapy has shown high failure rates, requiring endodontic retreatment. Therefore, ozone is used during the preparation of canals either in the form of gas or ozonized water to help eradicate microbial biofilms. The objective of this work was to carry out a literature survey on the application of ozone therapy in the field of endodontics. This review searched for articles in the main databases, namely: SCIELO, PUBMED, Google Scholar and BVS. Ozone has great potential in endodontic therapy, due to its antimicrobial power and safe use, when applied by a qualified professional, showing biocompatibility. More studies are needed to characterize and systematize its application, but its advantages are numerous, consisting of a promising therapy.
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