
  • Luciano Bordignon Piccinelli



Oral health services. Primary attention. Assistance model. Military police.


The Military Police of Paraná has an oral health care system aimed at assisting the state military, with a network of fractioned services, centralized in the Military Police Dental Center, located in the capital. This health system does not meet the expectations and interests of users, in particular, due to the low resolution rate of the Dental Center in the Capital, limiting itself to emergency consultations, curative and technical treatments. In this way, the services offered no longer meet the expectations and desires of users, in particular, due to the centralization of services in the capital, resulting in a lack of guarantee of access for users in the interior of the State of Paraná. Therefore, it is urgent to present a model of dental care, based on the principles of Primary Health Care, actively seeking the promotion of oral health, associated with the adoption of new tools such as teledentistry, the implementation of secondary and tertiary networks. Finally, there is the need to adopt a management tool, such as a public foundation under private law for the self-management of the Medical Dental Health service in the PMPR. This is a qualitative research, based on strategic planning and health management methodologies for the perfection of service to users, through the construction of knowledge for the adoption of contemporary management solutions.


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Author Biography

  • Luciano Bordignon Piccinelli

    Policia Militar Paraná - PMPR.


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How to Cite

IMPLEMENTATION OF A NEW ORAL HEALTH CARE MODEL IN THE MILITARY POLICE OF PARANÁ. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(7), e473581.