
  • Jefferson Thomaz Alves de Carvalho




complexity when talking about public policies is transparent


The complexity when talking about public policies is transparent, just look at the number of scientific works that discuss the subject, even more so if we talk about public policies involving a subject that in the twenty-first century sounds like taboo "the issue of drug consumption". The problem of the research was to discuss how public policies are being worked out with the competent bodies, specifically the work developed by the Military Corporation with regard to illicit drugs. The objective sought to analyze how public policies contribute to the work of competent bodies in the fight against illicit drugs. The methodology of the study was investigative explanatory research, the technique was bibliographic and qualitative analysis. The exploration of the line of research highlights the need to have further discussions in this regard. Operations carried out by the military police are constant, achieving considerable results, however, public policies are apparently stagnant, perhaps due to the issue of the pandemic, which affects all nations, but a resumption of positioning is urgent so that the current scenario can be changed.


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Author Biography

  • Jefferson Thomaz Alves de Carvalho

    Polícia Militar do Paraná - PMPR.


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How to Cite

POLICIES FOCUSED ON COMBATING ILLICIT DRUGS AND THE WORK OF THE MILITARY POLICE. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(8), e483672. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i8.3672