Precipitation has an event of spreading heterogeneouslyAbstract
Precipitation has an event of spreading heterogeneously in the globe, the altercations between the radiation balance in the zonais bands and the association with atmospheric dynamics allow the distinction of the regimes of the globally diffused rains. The objective of this study is to statistically analyze the buoyancy of rainfall in the area of the Ipojuca River Basin - PE as a feeder source of the hydrological systems of the State of Pernambuco. The simplified statistical parameters were used to calculate mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variance, maximum and minimum absolute precipitations, annual amplitude and anomalies for the period 1962-2015. There is increasing variability of annual and monthly precipitation. The variability is higher during the spring and summer season and lower in the winter and autumn seasons. Positive anomalies are recorded in 7 municipalities and negative anomalies occur in 18 municipalities. Improving knowledge of local weather conditions about the occurrence of extreme rainfall events allows for the improvement of seasonal forecasts, and helps decision makers of government agencies to avoid or make natural disasters a minimum. Improving local weather conditions on the occurrence of extreme rain allows for the improvement of seasonal forecasts, and helps government decision makers avoid or make natural disasters a minimum. In general, it is verified that the local rainfall pattern is influenced by several precipitating systems that contribute to the quantitative of local precipitation and that its contributions are interconnected to the meso and microscale local systems with the interaction of land use and cover.
Copyright (c) 2021 RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218

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