Supervised Internship. Elementary School. Lived experiences.Abstract
This article has as main objective to describe the experiences lived during the period of Supervised Internship of the Degree Course in Computing, of the Higher Education Center of Careiro-Castanho (NESCAC), of the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA), carried out in Elementary School I and II. in the municipality of Careiro-AM. The information was collected through notes in the field notebook. The regulation of the internship requires three stages: (I) Observation, in which it is possible to know the routine of the students and teachers involved; (II) Co-participation, is the opportunity that the trainees can accompany the teacher and contribute in their classes; (III) Regency, phase in which, after observing the students and assisting the teacher in the classroom, the trainees assume the responsibility of the full professor and begin to apply contents guided by the teacher of the discipline and practice exercises with the students as a form of evaluation. The technological mechanisms handled were the Visual Class authoring software, which allows the elaboration of classes and presentations with multimedia resources and can be used offline.
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