Digital influence., postmodernity, internetAbstract
The present study has as its object the digital influence that occurs through the internet. The objective is to investigate the behavioral changes related to the digital environment through the process of influence exerted by the online medium, its capacity for massification of people and the emptying of individualities. Methodologically, a bibliographical and documental survey and presentation of examples are used, in the light of the phenomenological epistemological paradigm. During the investigation, the inductive method is used. Of the categories, digital influence stands out as behavioral influence, in order to motivate a certain behavior or feeling of the internet user. From the results, a certain level of intervention promoted by the digital medium in individuality is identified, a catalyst for behavioral change. This level of intervention is due to a high personal valuation that Internet users attribute to the online world; by an organized action of IT service providers; by the way Internet users are treated, synthesized in the notion of mass, with no distinction of their opinions; and because this is a contemporary operation of postmodern society (or liquid society), as in this social arrangement the fluidity of values that were once considered rigid is recognized as a major guideline.
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