Cumulative Trauma Disorders, Mental Diseases, Worker’s HealthAbstract
Introduction: Worker’s health, based on the principles of construction of the SUS, has its greatest obstacles, with regard to the National Policy for Workers' Health (NPWH), in the main occupational diseases: musculoskeletal disorders and work-related mental disorders. Together, they represent the major causes of sick leave, in addition to chronicity and morbidity and mortality. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of RSI/WMSD and work-related mental disorders. Methodology: This is an ecological study, with secondary data collected by DATASUS, with searches filtered by “RSI/WMSD” and “mental disorders related to work”, whose temporal delimitation comprised 2019 to 2023. Development: For RSI/ WMSD, the year with the highest number of notifications was 2019, with a predominance in the Southeast region. As for work-related mental disorders, despite also being predominant in the Southeast region, their year of highest notifications was 2022. There was, therefore, an increase in notifications of both pathologies, explained mainly by the installation of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, no action was evidenced within the NPWH with the objective of facing the problem, prolonging the situation of invisibility of the worker. Conclusion: There is an urgent need for a comprehensive approach that considers the two major causes of worker leave, as well as promoting the principles set out in the NPWH.
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