Fetal alcohol syndrome. Health of the fetus. Alcohol in pregnancyAbstract
The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) has been seen as serious problem that affects the life of babies and children, and therefore, their family life's. The main cause of FASD is the alcoholic ingestion during pregnancy, for reasons as the lack of information about the damages to the fetus. However, the biggest concern is the ignorance on how to behave on these situations. This article has the goal to assess the impact in the life of the fetus after birth and analyze the results of several articles with data about FASD. It has been done a narrative review about FASD during the 2023's first quarter. The studies were searched as "síndrome AND álcool" and "síndrome AND álcool AND feto AND Brasil" using Academic Google, Pubmed and SciElo as data source. The article's search was conducted on the following databases: Google Scholar, Pubmed and SciElo. As a result, eight articles that reflected the methodology requested were selected for the following revision. It was able to conclude that the public politics should be applied through the use of digital platform to make the population aware about the FASD. It has to be emphasized the need to help pregnant women to get the proper information about this topic.
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