


Stroke. Sickness Impact Profile. Quality of Life. Rehabilitation.


Introduction: Stroke, whether ischemic or hemorrhagic, not only threatens life immediately, but also leaves a legacy of physical and mental sequelae that can persist for a lifetime. Survivors often face a long road to recovery, with consequences that affect nearly every aspect of their existence. Methodology: The search was carried out in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. The search was restricted to studies published in English or Portuguese published from 2013 to 2023. Results and Discussion: The impact of stroke is not limited to physical and social consequences; it also has a profound impact on the psychological aspects of survivors' lives. The psychological challenges after stroke are often complex and can vary from person to person. The multidimensional approach is essential to capture the complexity of the impact of stroke on survivors' quality of life. This perspective is not limited to the assessment of physical symptoms, but seeks a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by patients, as well as the adaptation and support strategies needed to improve their quality of life.  Conclusion:To improve quality of life after stroke, it is essential to adopt a holistic approach that includes physical and psychological rehabilitation, social support, education and mental health interventions. 


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Maria Santos Cardoso

    Instituto de Educação Superior do Vale do Parnaíba-IESVAP.


  • Renata Azevedo Dutra Queiroz

    IDOMED - Instituto de Educação Médica.

  • Luana Elisa Lugli

    Universidade Estácio de Sá - UNESA.

  • Vitória Miranda Eustáquio

    Centro Universitário Tocantinense Presidente Antonio Carlos - UNITPAC.

  • José Patriotino Rebelo Pires Neto

    Instituto de Educação Superior do Vale do Parnaíba-IESVAP.

  • Waleska Vitória de Oliveira Tostes Peixoto

    Centro Universitário Redentor - UniRedentor.

  • Mateus Corrêa dos Santos

    Faculdade de Medicina AFYA.

  • Lisandra Azevedo Soares

    Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de São José dos Campos - HUMANITAS.

  • Pedro Henrique Fréres Holanda

    Instituto de Educação Superior do Vale do Parnaíba-IESVAP.

  • Thiago Gomes Lima

    Instituto de Educação Superior do Vale do Parnaíba-IESVAP.


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How to Cite

MULTIDIMENSIONAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE IMPACT OF STROKE ON QUALITY OF LIFE: A LITERATURE REVIEW. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(11), e4114126.