Climate change, Vector-Borne diseases, Human healthAbstract
The increasing impacts of climate change will soon result in an increase in morbidity associated with climate-sensitive diseases, such as vector-borne diseases. Higher temperatures, changes in precipitation, and shifts in climate variability can alter the geographical boundaries and seasonality of transmission for vector-borne infectious diseases. This article assesses the impact that climate change will have on the rise of vector-borne diseases in the Coimbra region, located in central Portugal. The data obtained indicate an increase in morbidity for certain climate-sensitive diseases, such as vector-borne infectious diseases, specifically those transmitted by mosquitoes, sandflies, and ticks, as well as malaria, dengue, and Lyme disease, with potential significance in the Coimbra region. Malaria, an endemic disease in the region's past, is associated with rice fields and the estuarine area of the Mondego Basin, and higher temperatures are highly favourable for its spread, posing a future risk. In this context, adaptation measures are necessary, primarily focusing on prevention and intersectoral approaches.
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