ozone therapy, aesthetics, resultsAbstract
In recent times, studies on ozone therapy, which is the use of ozone gas (O3) in medical treatments, have generated debates in various areas, including aesthetics. This procedure consists of applying ozone gas to the human body and has already proven to be effective as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, fungicidal and antiviral, as well as enhancing the immune response. As the results are promising in terms of improving the oxygenation of different tissues and increasing the efficacy of the immune system, ozone therapy has been used experimentally as a complement to other therapeutic approaches. Although scientific studies on its efficacy in aesthetic procedures are still limited, there are pioneering studies and reports of positive results that allow us to gather information on applications and necessary precautions. The present study was based on the survey of publications on ozone therapy on the Google Scholar, SciELO, LILACS and PubMed platforms. Among the main results, it was possible to verify an improvement in the levels of oxidation, blood circulation, an increase in the immune response at the topical level and a consequent result in the treatment of infection cases. However, the number of randomized double-blind studies and systematic literature reviews does not allow, until now, to support the defense of this procedure on a large scale, being up to future studies to verify its efficacy in detriment of other procedures.
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